SMARTPRICE SOLUTIONS, S.L. (hereinafter, “OPTIMUS PRICE”), a technology company specializing in artificial intelligence and data analysis solutions to optimize the pricing strategy of companies, has as its fundamental objective to provide customers with a service that responds to their demands, providing real solutions to specific problems, complying with and respecting current legislation. To strengthen its commitment to Quality, the organization has a Quality Management system, in accordance with the international standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001: 2015.
Quality is a commitment of the company and an individual responsibility of each member of the group, which must be reflected in concrete actions that internally and externally reflect an image of OPTIMUS PRICE that identifies with the professionalism and quality of service to our clients.
To achieve maximum customer satisfaction, we will apply and orient our system to achieve the following objectives:
✔ Constantly check that we respond at all times to the demands and expectations of customers.
✔ We commit to complying with all regulations and laws that apply to us and the regulations of those organizations and/or groups of which we are part.
✔ Provide appropriate means for all staff to freely identify and eliminate obstacles that prevent quality improvement in their workplace in order to achieve continuous improvement.
✔ Consider continuous improvement a permanent objective that increases the quality perceived by our clients.
✔ Correct any non-conformities that occur, but using prevention measures to avoid repetition.
✔ Consider the execution of service deadlines, punctuality and maintaining trust between our clients and suppliers as key points in the daily management of the company.
✔ Promote a participatory environment among employees, integrating the common objective and improving communications that facilitate teamwork, individual recognition and suggestions for improvement.
This Quality Policy is communicated to all company employees by means of its display in the company's facilities and is publicly available, with access by any person outside the company who so wishes.
This policy is reviewed annually and coinciding with the review by the company's management to see if it is necessary to add or modify any point for a change in the way the company acts, thus allowing it to be appropriate at all times to the company's operations.
Mr. Juan Antonio Guerrero
November 2024